It is necessary to program injector for Caterpillar after replacement.And you need use related injector trim files to program them.
How to create new Caterpillar injector trim files?
Caterpillar Cat Trim Files Checksum Calculator
Open a trim file (also available read it by CAT ET diagnostic software) with txt
Copy the content from <Data>…</Data>
Paste it into CAT Trim File calculator
Here you can find the InjectorSeriaNo is same as the one in trim file
Now input new injector serial number then click “Change” button
Content between <Data>…</Data> will renew,now copy it and paste it into trim file
And change the InjectorSerialNo you input in the Cat trim file calculator
After then save this file and change the file format as .trm
Now use CAT ET diagnostic software Service function to load this trim file to program injector.
Hope it help!